Help to improve quality, stimulate innovation, increase productivity and prioritize prevention
Nova Health – A comprehensive service tailored to client needs
Nova Health is comprised of industry professionals who have a proven track record of individual and collective successes in the provision of remote site medical care and support.
Our experience in the provision of medical care in complex remote and austere regions has shaped our service offering ensuring that we deliver a bespoke service that meets the exact requirements of our clients ensuring the highest standards for the greatest value.
The Business Divisions of Nova Health
The various business divisions of Nova Health interlink in a support and execution manner to provide a tailored and holistic medical solution for our clients.
At Nova Health we deploy advanced technology and innovation.
Special MISSION Unit (SMU)

Nova Health’s SMU is an international rapid deployment medical and rescue service, specializing in complex and high-risk missions designed to help people, places and planet.
Through a highly qualified, experienced team, and state-of-the-art facilities, equipment and innovation, SMU provides round-the-clock medical and emergency response services.
Primarily operating in conflict affected territories and areas of extreme natural or man-made hazards, our mission is to safeguard the health of our client’s workforce anytime, anywhere, any way.
There are 4 key elements to our team:
- Operations Support Centre – a cutting edge 24/7 capability strategically located in Dubai, which coordinates all operations and is staffed by a specialist team of aviation and medical professionals.
- Central Operations – managing permanent projects, such as field hospitals and Primary Emergency Retrieval services to ensure optimum capability and performance.
- Medevac – a safe, secure and fully-equipped fleet of aircraft which provides fast patient transfer. This includes both tactical rotary and fixed-wing operations, as well as international jet air ambulance services.
- Special Missions Unit (SMU) – deployed for small team, high-risk missions such as political evacuations, natural or manmade disaster response, and discreet operations.
- Rapid Expansion Capability – if necessary, additional supplementary clinicians can be deployed in support of the project, at extremely short notice – each with the appropriate skills, training and experience.
SMU Capability:
- Available for use by any of our Group of Companies global clients, to support difficult or extreme operations conducted globally or requested by any of their projects.
- There are no restricted territories, but instead simply a global capability able to deploy to any region worldwide.
- SMU is the primary response option for the Nova Health Crisis Management Team internationally.
- Supports projects where responsiveness and a particular skillset are required.
- Is on standby 24/7 at short notice to deploy, with all specialized equipment and communications at hand.
Medical Staffing & Clinics
In order to provide an end-to-end solution for our clients Nova Health provide staffing solutions and capabilities for all levels of requirement. Our team has experience in the provision of standalone remote site paramedics through to advanced-level medical clinics staffed by Doctors, Nurses and medical specialists. These on-site services are complemented by the suite of services that the Divisions of Nova Health offer such as healthcare technology and innovation, training, medical supply chain, consulting and medical evacuation which ensure our clients are offered a complete in-house solution.
Our on-site experience is both onshore and offshore and in support of Governments, Corporate and International Humanitarian Organizations. We have a great depth of experience operating globally including unique challenging environments in the Middle East and Africa regions.

- Turnkey design and implementation of primary care, clinical and surgical facilities
- Supply chain solution (Medical equipment, consumables, controlled medication and devices)
- Multi-disciplinary medical and support staff comprising international and local teams
- Full-scale laboratory capabilities
- Comprehensive occupational health, safety, occupational hygiene and environmental risk solutions
- Medical emergency response planning
- Pre-hospital emergency response and trauma management
- Topside medical advice and assistance
- Medical data and patient files management
- International evacuation and out-of-country care through our network partners
Last Mile Services

The world wasn’t ready for the COVID-19 pandemic, but together we are.
Vaccinating and rolling out of health programs in some of the world’s most challenging countries and locations has proven to be more complex than expected and poses monumental logistical and cold chain challenges with tremendous strain on healthcare systems and infrastructure. Nova Health as medical partner can deliver an end-to-end solution as one provider from production to patient anywhere in the world to those who need it most.
Together, We Will Deliver – Preventing the Rapid Spread of the Pandemic or health threat like Malaria with a Complete Supply Chain and Medical Staffing Solution.
By engaging with Nova Health, countries and funders alike can be assured that not only does the vaccine end up being administered to the end recipient but it also minimizes risk factors of damaged or expired vaccines. International medical standards and protocols are strictly adhered to, and skills training provided to local MOH medical staff.
The Solution – The Sooner We Work Together, The Faster We Can Combat Critical Health Threads.
The Need
How Do Vaccines Affect the Economy?
- Most countries are in need of Program Funding and implementation support. Together we can approach the World Bank, NGO’s etc. for help.
- Nova Health will provide a Comprehensive Turnkey Solution, critical for the successful execution of healthcare programs and initiatives through:
- Sourcing, Logistics and Clinical Governance.
- Complement the existing healthcare systems and infrastructure that may already be operating at full capacity.
- Empowering Nations through international standards training with WHO protocols.
- Vaccine programs are an investment in a country’s human capital.
- They improve public health, life expectancy, and work performance.
- Vaccines can also reduce government spending on disease treatment and control focusing on prevention.
- Without a vaccine, new diseases can become widespread because immunity may take longer to develop.
- Effective health programs will alleviate stress on the local healthcare system.
Consulting Services
Nova Health offer a wide range of medical consultancy services. The assessment is conducted by a suitably qualified medical professional who knows what to ask and what clients are looking for in order to provide a clear and succinct report that delivers situational awareness to the client organization who can then make an informed decision regarding any future utilization of their medical facility. The report will cover such areas as the qualifications of the practitioners, licenses, policies and procedures, equipment capability and maintenance, pharmaceutical issues and any other pertinent factors such as ease of communication and compliance criteria.

Medical Emergency Response Plans (MERP)
Medical Facility Assessment (MFA)
- Provide a sound and practical layered medical plan in the event of a medical emergency.
- The MERP provides a detailed Concept of Operations which includes information on who is responsible for doing what and when and which associated support capabilities can be called upon as required.
- Critical to the success of a MERP is the communication and control required to coordinate all aspects of the plan pinpointing the responsibilities therein.
- In order to provide redundancy or enhanced capability, Nova Health can undertake an MFA on local facilities that may be suitable for use by client organizations.
- The assessment is made according to a detailed audit of the facility in terms of the staff, service capability and medical equipment.
- Nova Health will also incorporate medical advocacy by its own clinicians and medical director, where required.
Medical Supply Chain

Nova Health offers a robust and tailored medical supply chain turkey solutions to our clients.
Our products range from all essential medicines, medical supplies, including full range of medical and hospital equipment and ambulances.
Nova Health’s in-house Sourcing Team is focused on providing supplies of highest quality to ensure patient safety. That combined with our Logistics Team, will ensure reliable delivery to our client’s doorstep.
Nova Health has the expertise and support structures for large volume complex projects.
Nova Health supplies are sourced and purchased from pre-qualified manufactures and suppliers in accordance with the WHO & ISO/EN Standards (ISO 13485).
We offer pharmaceuticals in various dosage as stipulated per the WHO list of Essential Medicines.
Medical Kits
We offer a wide range of medical kits to our clients including First Aid Kits, Trauma Bags, ILS, ALS and Malaria Kits. In addition, we also offer a number of Rapid Test kits.
Medical Consumables
We offer an extensive list of medical consumables for the effective diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
Medical Equipment & Devices
We offer basic to advanced medical equipment and devices. Our ability to supply, commission and maintain equipment ensures optimal functionality.
Medical Evacuation
Nova Health in collaboration with our partners operate a dedicated fleet of medevac aircraft which provides round-the-clock support. Such services are offered to our client base in addition to government and inter-government entities across a number of challenging countries.
Medevac aircraft is deployed with Intensive Care medical staff and equipment that can be dispatched within minutes and safely transport patients to the nearest appropriate medical facility.
Our fully integrated services ensure every phase of the patient’s journey is monitored and managed via the 24-hour Operations Support Centre that provides all Nova Health operations with a comprehensive support network.

Enhanced Medevac Service
Maximum Patient Safety & Care – The EpiShuttle allows monitoring and advanced treatment to be performed during transport, including emergency procedures like intubation, IV and oxygen line insertion.
Safety of Health Care Professionals – Completely sealed transparent barrier between the patient and the healthcare professional, preventing any cross-infection.
Cost Efficient & Reusable – Transport vehicles don’t need to be disinfected after use.
Remote Field Hospitals
To meet the demands of various mission across the globe, Nova Health provide setup, staff and medical supplies to Field Hospitals that provide expeditionary health service support and hospitalization.
Our Remote Field Hospitals provide essential care within an area of operations (AO) by treating and returning to duty patients who can be treated within the theatre evacuation policy. It serves a critical function in stabilizing and evacuating those patients who require definitive, convalescent, and rehabilitative care.

We Combine Technology and Mobility
Nova Health’s hospital setup and structure rectify major deficiencies with revisions to organizational design, medical and surgical capabilities, and the ability to perform split or geographically dispersed operations.
Our field hospital’s design enhances flexibility and provides the requisite medical capabilities to support the Mission’s goal of developing a versatile, agile, and expeditionary medical force.
- Triage management
- Emergency care
- Lifesaving surgery
- Outpatient services
- Inpatient care
- Pharmacy
- Clinical laboratory
- Blood bank
- Radiology
- Physical therapy
- Medical logistics
- Operational dental care
Technology and Innovation
Driven by our passion to enhance and provide quality of human life, Nova Health continues to focus on developing and deploying innovative technology. Through Nova Strategic Alliance we encourage innovation, excellence and collaboration – whether that’s through acquisition, negotiations or aligning ourselves with organizations that share our vision to set a new standard within the remote medicine sphere.
On one hand Nova Health is pursuing ever more precise advancements and practical applications of new technology, while the other hand is continually providing elite service to our clients while working to expand our network partners ensuring a steady deal flow of exciting collaborators and promising marketplaces.
“Artificial Intelligence can make Healthcare Human again”

The value of digital and AI transformation is to enhance human capabilities, not replace them.

Accessing data and controlling connected devices from outside the patient room.

Data distribution and diagnostic analytics through connected devices to support patient case management.
Interoperable Medical Devices
Nova Health deploys the service-oriented device connectivity (SDC) family of standards that defines a communication protocol for the point-of-care (PoC) medical devices.

Together let’s change and positively impact – People, Places and the Planet
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